Hi, I'm the fire bug.
* I'm a fire bug, commonly known as a gendarme... No, not a ladybird.
* I'm not toxic to humans or animals.
* People shouldn't eat me though, I'm very tough and I have no taste.
* I don't eat leaves or other plants or vegetables either. I leave your garden as it is.
* I eat the remains of dead flowers or dead insects. So it's rubbish.
* That's why you often find me in corners, where dust and flower remains are blown away by the wind.
* I don't like other insects, so I have a rather strong smell. Humans can only smell it if they are close to me, about 2 cm. Cats and dogs don't eat me either.
* If you like mosquito-free barbecues, let me live near you. Where I am, there are no mosquitoes.
* I admit I always bring lots of friends and family with me....... But if you don't mind, don't do anything.
* You want to keep me away from your flat or holiday home put me somewhere else, if there's a woodpile nearby. that's where I feel comfortable...but please don't kill me !
