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What to plant in the vegetable garden in May? Here's this month's list of seedlings and plantings.

May is the most important month in the vegetable garden: it's the perfect time to plant all the vegetables you want to harvest in the summer. To help you make sure you don't forget anything, here's this month's planting list.

May is a crucial month for any gardener, because at this time of year, a lot of planting has to be done in the vegetable garden. Before you start sowing your first seeds or transplanting your vegetables into the ground, it's best to wait for the Saints de Glace, which take place from 11 to 13 May. After this date, you'll avoid any risk of frost and your vegetables won't have to worry about the cold.

To help you make sure you don't forget anything in your vegetable garden, here's the list of sowings and plantings for May.


Some salads, such as lettuce, watercress and rocket, can be planted in May. They need compost-rich soil and a bright, unshaded spot. They should also be planted in an accessible part of the garden to make regular watering easier. Le Monde recommends spacing the plants 25 to 30 centimetres apart so that the lettuces develop as well as possible.


Cabbages should be transplanted to the garden in May, when they reach a height of 8 centimetres. These vegetables need very sunny exposure and well-packed soil to thrive. To plant them, dig holes and carefully place the plants, holding them by the leaves rather than the stems. Space summer cabbages 35 centimetres apart and autumn cabbages 50 centimetres apart. Tamp the soil around the plants and water abundantly, for harvesting from August to November.



If you want to enjoy delicious courgettes this summer, now's the time to plant them. These vegetables need rich soil and plenty of water. That's why we recommend mulching your courgettes to keep the soil moist. Plant the vegetables in compost-rich soil and space the plants 90 centimetres apart. For a good harvest between July and October,

Courgettes vertes

Peppers and chillies

What better way to season your summer dishes than to plant peppers and chillies in your vegetable garden? Peppers and chillies love the heat and need a sunny spot with temperatures between 18 and 22 degrees. In summer, make sure your plants are well watered and well drained, as peppers and chillies don't like too much water.

Poivrons rouges, verts et jaunes

Melons and cucumbers

Melons are planted between April and June, depending on the region. To ensure they grow well, the temperature should be around 20 degrees. According to Truffaut, melons can be sown in the ground as early as May. If you've already sown your melons and cucumbers, you can transplant them to greenhouses as soon as the first leaves appear. Space the plants 45 centimetres apart and keep the soil moist.

melons charentais


How can you talk about a vegetable garden without mentioning tomatoes? May is the ideal month to plant them. All you have to do is dig some holes and enrich the soil with compost, decomposed manure or any other natural fertiliser that will produce delicious tomatoes. They will need a warm, sunny spot to grow and a stake, before being harvested from July to October.

Grappes de tomates

Winter squash and pumpkin

Don't just think about summer vegetables in your vegetable garden. In May, it's time to plant vegetables that you'll use to make tasty soups this winter, such as squash and pumpkin. As Plantez chez nous points out, these foods need three to four months of warm weather to thrive. When the seedlings have their first leaves, dig a large hole in rich soil and space the plants one metre apart. Tamp the soil, water regularly and harvest from September to October.

Potirons et potimarrons

Please note ⚠️ it is advisable to wait until all risk of frost has passed, i.e. after the Ice Saints, i.e. after 15/05.

Les saints de glace
Les saints de glace

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